Don't worry from all that bacon peppa pig should die from high cholesterol or a stroke eventually.
Don't worry from all that bacon peppa pig should die from high cholesterol or a stroke eventually.
They don't really cut a mouse up like knife against butter what a mousetrap does is that it breaks the mouses spine and suffocates it to death before disembowling itself. But honestly I find the sticky mouse traps the best mouse traps. Seeing the filthy creature starve and shit and piss itself while ripping itself off a paper and dying of starvation, dehydration, suffocation, and the smell of its shit. Never gets old. And then there's when you can trap them in a hole and pour scalding water on them...
This was not funny.
Wasn't as faithful as when OneyNG did it, and at times kinda felt exaggerated, but in the end it did really manage to pull off what a spongebob episode was supposed to be, so I can applaud to that, as long as Viacom doesn't sue you to sell their spongebob brand chocolate milk.
Should've just made a Gmod machinema instead...
I know, right? Spy & Pyro was always supposed to be a GMod video, after the likes of the GMod Idiot Box etc, but I'm much more competent at 2D Flash animation than 3D Gmod animation, so I went with Flash for S&P and its sequel. Even simple GMod puppetry is a lot of work - I take off my giant stack of comical TF2 hats to anyone who's made a movie in GMod!
I blame ISIS for the end of the world.
The caused global warming for using all that damn oil...
Meh. Try to make it more interesting for a broader audiance instead of using the same old cliche "Giant evil monster awakens and 4 legendary heroes go on a journey" otherwise the people are really going to get bored of the writing really fast. And the voice acting could use more work.
Thanks for pointing this out! I'll try to improve the writing as the series goes on! thanks!
I was expecting the fanboys fighting instead...
I like how you try to make fun of steve jobs like psyicpebbles even though psyicpebbles already did that...
I didn't make fun of Steve Jobs
Age 25, Male
Joined on 5/19/12